Financial problems can affect anyone, anywhere, at any time. With debt building up, paying your mortgage can feel overwhelming. We’re here to help.
Should you be suffering hardship and struggling with your repayments due to a change of circumstances, we are here to help. For assistance, please contact our
hardship team on 1300 099 382 or
email [email protected]
You can also download our hardship forms
by clicking here and then email the completed form to our hardship team.
You may also want to visit Credit Smart which provides helpful advice for those suffering from financial hardship. Credit Smart can also provide emergency support or assistance, including help with mental health, on their emergency support services page.
Or government debt counselling services are available via the National Debt Helpline to help address financial problems, manage debt, and make informed choices about their money during times of hardship.
ASIC’s MoneySmart website offers free and impartial financial guidance and tools to individuals to help them make the most of their finances. They also provide additional links to financial counselling resources here: https://moneysmart.gov.au/managing-debt/financial-counselling
If your property was damaged due to natural disaster such as flood or fire, or you have suffered a loss of income due to natural disaster, please call 1300 767 023 (option 4), or send an email to [email protected]
Scamwatch is run by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and provides up-to-date information to consumers and businesses about how to recognise, avoid and report scams.
Remember that we will never send you an email with links to sign-in pages, or ask for your personal information, account details, PIN, or passwords.
Always ensure your computer and other mobile devices have up-to-date security software, and we would suggest avoiding the use of public wi-fi to access your banking.
If you think that your data or financial details may have been compromised, please contact us immediately
at 1300 462 209.
If you are a Homestar Finance customer experiencing circumstances that may require additional care and support when interacting with us, please let us know how we can assist you respectfully.
Extra care and support may be needed if you face disadvantages or have social or personal characteristics that impact your situation. This support might be due to income, family status, age, disability, injury, illness, cultural background, and/or language barriers (note: this list is not exhaustive)
We encourage you to share how your situation affects you and what specific extra care support services you need. Possible requests may include, but are not limited to:
Below is a list of support providers you may wish to contact for additional help in obtaining the care and support you need based on your circumstances.
Provider | Support provided | Contact details (phone / website) |
Money Smart | Financial guidance, counsellors, unclaimed money, calculators, and support. | https://moneysmart.gov.au/ |
National Dept Helpline | Counselling and support for people experiencing financial difficulty (weekdays 9.30-4.30pm). |
1800 007 007 |
Gambling Help Online | Counselling, information, and support for those experiencing addiction to gambling, their partners and families (24hr). |
1800 858 858 |
Translating & Interpreting Services (TIS) | Translation and interpreter services (24 hr). |
131 450 |
Speak your Language | Translation and interpreter services (24 hr). |
1300 000 795 |
Voice Relay | Hearing or speech impairments. |
1300 555 727 or 133 677 |
1800RESPECT | National sexual assault, family, and domestic violence counselling to any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault (24hr). |
1800 737 732 https://www.1800respect.org.au/
Relationships Australia | Relationship support services for individuals, families, and communities. |
1300 364 277 |
Lifeline | Personal crisis support for all Australians. Includes suicide prevention services (24hr) |
13 11 14 |
MensLine Australia | Support and counselling for men and boys dealing with family and relationship difficulties (24hr). |
1300 789 978 |
QLife | Support and counselling for LGBTIQ+ people and their families (3pm-midnight, daily). |
1800 184 527 |
Beyond Blue | Support for people experiencing anxiety and depression (24hr) |
1300 224 636 |